Migration to 5.0#

The new version of JSQLParser 5.0 is a rewrite in order to simply accessing the SQL’s Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Quite a few redundant classes have been removed or merged.

As always, such a major improvement comes at a certain cost, which is breaking the previous API. Following the guidance below, the new API can be adopted easily although you are welcome to lodge a support request when any questions or concerns arise.

Values Clause#

The ValueListExpression has been replaced by Values, which implements Select Statement and Expression.

The ValuesStatement has been replaced by Values, which implements Select Statement and Expression.

VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.Values
    └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
Values values = (Values) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
FROM ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─AllColumns: *
    └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       └─select: statement.select.Values
          └─ExpressionList: 1, 2, 3
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
ParenthesedSelect subSelect = (ParenthesedSelect) select.getFromItem();
Values values = (Values) subSelect.getSelect();
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
SET (   a
        , b
        , c ) = ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.update.Update
    ├─Table: test
    └─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
       ├─ParenthesedExpressionList: (a, b, c)
       └─ExpressionList: (VALUES 1, 2, 3)
Update update = (Update)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
UpdateSet updateSet = update.getUpdateSets().get(0);
ParenthesedSelect subSelect = (ParenthesedSelect) updateSet.getValues().get(0);
Values values = (Values) subSelect.getSelect();
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.insert.Insert
    ├─Table: test
    └─select: statement.select.Values
       └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
Insert insert = (Insert)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Values values = (Values) insert.getSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals(3, values.getExpressions().size());

Expression Lists#

The class ExpressionList directly extends List<Expression> directly and so ExpressionList.getExpressions() is obsolete.

Any instance of List<Expression> is considered an Anti Pattern and the class ExpressionList<T extends Expression> shall be used instead.

ItemsList has been removed and ExpressionList is used instead.

MultiExpressionList has been removed and ExpressionList is used instead (with ExpressionList elements).

SELECT Function( a, b, c )
FROM dual
            , b
            , c
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─expression: expression.Function
    │     └─ExpressionList: a, b, c
    ├─Table: dual
    └─groupBy: statement.select.GroupByElement
       └─ExpressionList: a, b, c
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Function function = (Function) select.getSelectItem(0).getExpression();
assertEquals(3, function.getParameters().size());

ExpressionList<?> groupByExpressions=select.getGroupBy().getGroupByExpressionList();
assertEquals(3, groupByExpressions.size());
SELECT ( ( 1, 2, 3 ), ( 4, 5, 6 ), ( 7, 8, 9 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       └─ParenthesedExpressionList: ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9))
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
ParenthesedExpressionList<?> expressionList = (ParenthesedExpressionList<?>) select.getSelectItem(0).getExpression();

ParenthesedExpressionList<?> expressionList1 = (ParenthesedExpressionList<?>) expressionList.get(0);
assertEquals(3, expressionList1.size());

Generic SelectItem#

The class SelectItem<T extends Expression> is now generic and various derivatives (e. g. SelectExpressionItem, FunctionItem, ExpressionListItem) have been removed.

Select Statement#

SelectBody has been removed and PlainSelect can be used directly

SubJoin has been replaced by ParenthesedFromItem` (implementing a FromItem with a regular list of Join)

SubSelect has been removed and any instance of Select (PlainSelect, Values or SetOperationList) can be used instead

    SELECT *
    FROM (  SELECT 1 )
    SELECT *
    FROM ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
    VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
    └─select: statement.select.SetOperationList
       ├─selects: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │  ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │  │  └─AllColumns: *
       │  └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       │     └─select: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │        └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │           └─LongValue: 1
       ├─selects: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │  ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │  │  └─AllColumns: *
       │  └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       │     └─select: statement.select.Values
       │        └─ExpressionList: 1, 2, 3
       ├─selects: statement.select.Values
       │  └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
       ├─UnionOp: UNION ALL
       └─UnionOp: UNION ALL
ParenthesedSelect parenthesedSelect = (ParenthesedSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
SetOperationList setOperationList = parenthesedSelect.getSetOperationList();

PlainSelect select1 = (PlainSelect) setOperationList.getSelect(0);
PlainSelect subSelect1 = ((ParenthesedSelect) select1.getFromItem()).getPlainSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals( 1L, subSelect1.getSelectItem(0).getExpression(LongValue.class).getValue());

Values values = (Values) setOperationList.getSelect(2);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size());
                  LEFT JOIN c
                    ON b.d = c.d )
    ON a.e = b.e
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─AllColumns: *
    ├─Table: a
    └─joins: statement.select.Join
       ├─rightItem: statement.select.ParenthesedFromItem
       │  ├─Table: b
       │  └─joins: statement.select.Join
       │     ├─Table: c
       │     └─onExpressions: expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo
       │        ├─Column: b.d
       │        └─Column: c.d
       └─onExpressions: expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo
          ├─Column: a.e
          └─Column: b.e
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Table aTable = (Table) select.getFromItem();

ParenthesedFromItem fromItem = (ParenthesedFromItem) select.getJoin(0).getFromItem();
Table bTable = (Table) fromItem.getFromItem();

Join join = fromItem.getJoin(0);
Table cTable = (Table) join.getFromItem();

assertEquals("c", cTable.getName());


Any hasBrackets(), isUsingBrackets() and similar methods have been removed; instead the Parser will return a ParenthesedExpressionList or ParenthesedSelect or ParenthesedFromItem or Parenthesis wrapping the object within brackets.

This allows for much better bracket handling.

Parenthesis and Brackets example#
( SELECT ( 1 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
    └─select: statement.select.PlainSelect
       └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
          └─expression: expression.Parenthesis
             └─LongValue: 1
ParenthesedSelect parenthesedSelect = (ParenthesedSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
SetOperationList setOperationList = parenthesedSelect.getSetOperationList();

PlainSelect select1 = (PlainSelect) setOperationList.getSelect(0);
PlainSelect subSelect1 = ((ParenthesedSelect) select1.getFromItem()).getPlainSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals( 1L, subSelect1.getSelectItem(0).getExpression(LongValue.class).getValue());

Values values = (Values) setOperationList.getSelect(2);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size());

UpdateSet clause#

A List<UpdateSet> is used for any Set clause within Insert, Update, Upsert or Merge statements.

UpdateSet example#
SET (   a
        , b
        , c ) = (   1
                    , 2
                    , 3 )
    , d = 4
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.update.Update
    ├─Table: a
    ├─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
    │  ├─ParenthesedExpressionList: (a, b, c)
    │  └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
    └─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
       ├─ExpressionList: d
       └─ExpressionList: 4
Update update = (Update)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
UpdateSet updateSet1 = update.getUpdateSet(0);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, updateSet1.getColumns().size());
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, updateSet1.getValues().size());

UpdateSet updateSet2 = update.getUpdateSet(1);
Assertions.assertEquals( "d", updateSet2.getColumn(0).getColumnName());
Assertions.assertEquals( 4L,  ((LongValue) updateSet2.getValue(0)).getValue() );

Statements collection#

The Statements class extends List<Statement> directly and so Statements.getStatements() is obsolete.